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Research Methods
Brief description (from Baruch undergraduate catalog):
This course will familiarize students with major methodological approaches to the study of human behavior. Topics will include qualitative research, survey design, construct and experimental validity, experimentation, and research ethics. These topics will be introduced by way of several student-designed projects conducted over the course of the semester. Prerequisite: introductory psychology and statistics.
This is a 16-week, in-person class.
Brief description (from Baruch graduate catalog):
Research methods in the behavioral sciences, their implementation, and the relationship of modern concepts of research design and measurement applied to a business framework.
This is a 16-week, in-person class.
Occupational Health Psychology
Brief description:
This course offers a comprehensive survey of occupational health psychology, exploring the psychological, social, and organizational factors that influence workplace health and wellbeing. Topics include, burnout, engagement, work-life balance, workplace safety, recovery from work, and interventions aimed at improving employee health and organizational outcomes. Students will engage with foundational theories, empirical research, and practical applications to develop a holistic understanding of the field.
This is a 16-week, in-person class.
Brief description:
Occupational Health Psychology is an interdisciplinary field that aims to improve the quality of work life, and to protect and promote the safety, health and well-being of workers (NIOSH, 2013). This course will review historical, seminal, and current empirical research on topics of work stressors, safety, and occupational health. Emphasis is placed on relevant theories, prevention, and intervention.
This is a 16-week, in-person class.
Organizational Development
Brief description:
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of organizational development (OD) as a long-term, planned process of change within an organization based upon the findings of behavioral sciences. The course will cover such topics as: the role of the OD practitioner, the process of OD, understanding OD within the context of the modern workplace, and designing interventions at different levels (e.g., human and technostructural processes, human resource management, and strategic change.)
This is a 2-weekend class for executives.