My colleagues and I have created and validated several scales to measure self-reported psychological constructs in organizational research. Each scale has been published in the literature and used in research. All scales are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
General Info
In each .pdf file linked below you will find: (i) the APA-style citation and a link to the paper in which the scale has been originally published, (ii) instructions for participants, (iii) items and rating scale, and (iv) instructions for scoring (e.g., reverse-coded items).
You can certainly modify the response scale (e.g., change the original 5-point Likert scale into a 7-point rating scale) for consistency purposes. If you are thinking of doing so, please consider the following:
Models in which latent factors are defined by items with more response options tend to show worse fit to the data compared to models having the same items but fewer response options (see here and here).
You can't fit a Maximum Likelihood-based Structural Equation Model if your items show excessive skew and kurtosis and/or they have less than four threesholds (i.e., five response options; see here).
Economic Stressors Scales
Many scales presented here have been translated in languages other than English (e.g., Italian and Dutch). You are more than welcome to translate any of these, but please email me a copy of the translated items at the email address noted in the home page.